Transports: Argo

Transports: Argo

Argo Class Transport

Category: Transport

Expected Duration: 0 years
Time Between Resupply: 0 years
Time Between Refit: 0 years

Crew: 3
Passengers: 6
Maximum (Evacuation) Capacity: 15

Cruising Velocity: Warp 3
Maximum Velocity: Warp 3.5
Emergency Velocity: Warp 4 (for 12 hours)

Length: 24.8 metres
Width: 7 metres
Height: 4.5 metres
Decks: 1

   Micro-Torpedo Launchers: 2
      Micro-Quantum Torpedoes: 12
      Micro-Photon Torpedoes: 12
   Type IV Array: 4
Shielding Systems
   Light Shielding System

The Argo is a specialized shuttlecraft developed by Starfleet for ferrying cargo and vehicles between orbit and planetary surfaces when conditions preclude the use of transporters.

The shuttlecraft entered active service in 2378 and is currently seeing limited deployment in a limited number of heavy cruisers and explorer type vessels. The design is fairly conventional for a Starfleet shuttle with technology taken from existing shuttles. However, there are some differences with the Argo Shuttle. The warp nacelles are more integrated with the body instead of extended from them (usually the norm for Federation shuttles.) This increases the protection on her nacelles. She also has folding winglets that helps the Argo during atmospheric flight. The big difference is the aft cargo dock that has room for the Argo, a ground based All Terrain Vehicle (ATV), An Anti-grav vehicle for movement of cargo across both land and water, and two smaller anti-grav vehicles for individual purposes.

Like any other shuttlecraft, the Argo has the standard warp propulsion system, impulse engines, shields, phaser emitters, and two micro torpedo launchers. Due to her size she is not as fast or as maneuverable as other shuttlecraft.